Прошивка Андроид с помощью утилиты FastBoot. Прошивка Андроид с помощью утилиты FastBoot Скачивание и установка FastBoot

ADB, или Android Debug Bridge – это консольное приложение для ПК, с помощью которого можно управлять устройством на базе Android прямо с компьютера. Выглядит это так: сначала на компьютер устанавливаются инструментарий ADB и драйвера для Android, потом мобильное устройство подключается к ПК через USB-кабель в режиме отладки, и, наконец, после запуска ADB в консоли (командной строке) выполняются специальные команды, инициирующие те или действия с гаджетом. Подробная информация о принципе работы самого средства отладки представлена на официальном сайте разработчика, поэтому мы останавливаться на этом не будем, а сразу перейдем к возможностям ADB и способам его установки на компьютер.

Что позволяет делать ADB?

Для начала укажем зачем вообще нужен ADB. С его помощью можно:

  • Перезагружать устройство в различных режимах;
  • Обмениваться файлами/папками с телефоном;
  • Устанавливать/удалять приложения;
  • Устанавливать кастомные прошивки (в том числе, TWRP Recovery);
  • Производить ;
  • Выполнять разного рода скрипты.

Инструмент ADB обычно устанавливается в связке с консольным приложением Fastboot.

Установка ADB и Fastboot из пакета Android SDK

Этот способ предусматривает использование официального средства разработки и тестирования приложений Android Studio. Переходим на страницу https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html и находим заголовок «Get just the command line tools». Ниже скачиваем архив SDK tools для Windows (перед загрузкой соглашаемся с условиями использования).

Распаковываем архив на диск С. В нашем случае файлы были извлечены в папку sdk-tools-windows-3859397 .

Заходим в директорию, а потом переходим в каталог tools/bin . Здесь нас интересует файл sdkmanager , который и поможет установить ADB и Fastboot на компьютер.

Теперь необходимо открыть папку с sdkmanager, для чего в консоли следует выполнить команду cd C:\sdk-tools-windows-3859397\tools\bin , где C:\sdk-tools-windows-3859397\tools\bin – путь к файлу sdkmanager.

Если вы распаковали Android SDK не на диск С, а в какое-то иное место, то полный адрес можно будет узнать с помощью верхней строки Проводника (кликаем по конечной папке правой кнопкой мыши и жмем «Копировать адрес»).

Итак, мы перешли в tools\bin и теперь нам нужно выполнить команду sdkmanager «platform-tools» , которая установит пакет Platform-tools, содержащий файлы ADB и Fastboot.

В ходе установки ознакомьтесь с лицензионным соглашением и нажмите Y для завершения операции.

Если все прошло как надо, в корневой папке Android SDK появится каталог platform-tools с необходимыми файлами adb.exe и fastboot.exe .

Minimal ADB and Fastboot

Второй способ еще более простой. На форуме разработчиков Xda Developers можно скачать пакет Minimal ADB and Fastboot со всеми необходимыми файлами. Для этого заходим на страницу https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790 и, кликнув по ссылке, загружаем установочный exe-файл.

Запускаем его и следуем инструкциям.

Мы установили Minimal ADB and Fastboot в корень того же диска С.

В принципе, на этом все. Осталось проверить наличие файлов.

Проверка работы ADB и Fastboot

После установки приложений любым из приведенных способов необходимо удостовериться в корректности работы утилит. Для этого через командную строку заходим в папку с файлами adb и fastboot (команда cd C:\sdk-tools-windows-3859397\platform-tools или cd C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot ), а затем выполняем команду adb help . Она должна вывести версию установленного Android Debug Bridge и список команд ADB. Если вы видите примерно то же, что изображено на приведенном ниже скриншоте, значит все работает правильно.

Теперь следует подключить к ПК мобильное устройство и проверить, увидит ли его приложение ADB. Подсоединяем телефон (или планшет) к компьютеру с помощью USB-кабеля, выставляем в настройках режим подключения MTP (обмен файлами) и заходим в раздел Настройки – Для разработчиков .

Если такого пункта в настройках нет, то переходим на страницу «О телефоне» и семь раз кликаем по строке с номером сборки.

Режим разработчика будет активирован, и раздел «Для разработчиков» станет доступным. Заходим в него и включаем опцию «Отладка по USB».

После всех этих манипуляций с гаджетом в командной строке Windows вводим команду adb devices . Она выведет информацию о подключенном устройстве примерно в таком формате, как на скриншоте.

Таким образом, мы протестировали ADB и Fastboot и убедились, что Android Debug Bridge нормально функционирует, а, значит, теперь можно управлять телефоном через компьютер.

Если связь с устройством наладить не получается, то необходимо проверить наличие и корректность установки драйверов Андроид. Для этого при включенном режиме отладки заходим в «Диспетчер устройств» и смотрим, нет ли восклицательных знаков в ветке «Устройства USB» пункт «ADB Interface» (может называться немного по-другому).

При обнаружении неполадок пробуем переустановить драйвера. Скачать их можно на сайте производителя телефона или по адресу https://adb.clockworkmod.com/ .

Надеемся, что статья была для вас полезна.

The latest version of Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool is v1.4.3 . The developer has also provided a portable version of the tool, which can be used without the need for installation. For the sake of backward compatibility, we have also provided links for all the previous versions as well.

  • Version 1.4.3 (Latest): minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4.3_setup.exe | Portable Version
  • Version 1.4.2: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4.2_setup.exe
  • Version 1.4.1: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4.1_setup.exe | Portable Version
  • Version 1.4: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4_setup.exe
  • Version 1.3.1: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3.1_setup.exe
  • Version 1.3: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3_setup.exe
  • Version 1.2: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.2_setup.exe
  • Version 1.1.3: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.1.3_setup.exe

The credits for the download links and the complete tool itself goes to the developer shimp208 at XDA-Developers forum. Please make sure that you visit the official XDA thread and show your appreciation to the developer.

How to Install Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool

  1. Download the Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool exe installer package
  2. Double-click the downloaded ‘.exe’ file to start the installation.
  3. When the security warning window pops up, click on ‘Run’ and grant the User Access Controls.

  4. The Minimal ADB and Fastboot setup wizard should now open on the PC.
  5. Click on ‘Next’ and go through the given information.

  6. Again click on ‘Next’ and choose the location where you want to install the Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool.
    » By default, it will be installed to: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot “.

  7. Keep clicking on ‘Next’ until ‘Select Additional Tasks’ shows up. Make sure to check ‘Create a desktop icon’ box.
  8. Finally, click on ‘Install’ to install Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool on your Windows 7/8/10 PC.

  9. Once the installation is complete, click on ‘Finish’ to exit the installer window.

Now that you have installed the tool, go to the Desktop and double-click on the Minimal ADB and Fastboot shortcut. It will launch a command-line window (Command Prompt) which you can use to execute ADB or Fastboot commands. For example, you can use ‘adb devices’ to verify the device connection over ADB.

Minimal ADB and Fastboot are one of the most important tools used when working with Android devices. It’s a command line tool that lets you communicate with a device It acts as a middle man, who allows you to push, modify, debug, and tweak system files very easily. It also allows you to unlock your device’s bootloader with just few commands. So if you are into flashing, unlocking or rooting your Android smartphone, ADB and Fastboot are a must have tool for you, as an Android device owner.

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a part of Google’s Software development kit (SDK) provided for Android also known as Android Studio. The Android Studio provides different tools to build apps for Android platform while testing it in the tool itself. While the entire package of Android Studio is of roughly around 800MB, Minimal ADB provides a very minimized version of that command line tool which can be used for debugging your device only.

Typically if you want to install ADB and Fastboot you have to download and setup the Android SDK which is of size more than 1GB (If you really want to learn about Android Development we highly recommend downloading and installing the full Android SDK), but this can be unnecessary for people who just want to install ADB and Fastboot. You can just get the ADB tool to get the task done. You can find the source of ADB .

Features of Minimal ADB & Fastboot Tool:

  1. Easy to Install: ADB and Fastboot with a simple to use installer. Just below the onscreen instructions & press next. That’s it!
  2. Lightweight: Total installation size is around 2 MB whereas Android SDK takes takes about 1.5-2GB after installation.
  3. Supports both 32 Bit & 64 Bit OS
  4. Can be used as portable ADB and Fastboot tool.
  5. All debugging commands that work in Android SDK work in Minimal version as well.


  • Your device is plugged into your computer
  • You have USB Debugging enabled under Developer Options (Note: This may be listed as ADB Debugging on some ROM’s)
  • Installed USB Drivers of your device & your computer is recognizing your device:

Minimal ADB & Fastboot Latest version : v1.4.3 (2-9-18)

Changelog v1.4.3:

  • Updated ADB and Fastboot to version
  • Automated build tools initial version uploaded to github

Download Minimal ADB & Fastboot Tool for Android:

How to Install Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool

Installing the Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool is really very easy similar to any other software installation procedure, you just follow the onscreen instructions and accept the agreement to finish the installation.

Step 1. Download the latest Minimal ADB & Fastboot file from above link.

Step 2. Launch the adb.exe file to begin the installation process.

Step 3. Click on Next until you see the “Installation path” screen which asks to specify the folder you want to install the ADB files, by default, it is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot”. (Remember the path if you changed it)

Step 4. Click on Next, Select the box which asks “Create a desktop icon” and install the software. It would take 1-2 mins depending on your PC to finish the installation.

Once you have installed the tool, launch the tool from the desktop icon named as “Minimal ADB and Fastboot”. You should now see a command window open, with the command window open you can now issue ADB and Fastboot commands to your device

Step 5. To connect your device with ADB, you need to perform few more steps. In your device, Go to Settings > About Phone > Tap 7-8 times on the Build Number, until it says “You’re now a developer”.

Step 6. Go back to Settings > > Enable USB Debugging as shown in the image.

Step 7. Connect your phone to your PC using the original USB cable. To check if everything is working well, enter “” in the ADB command window. You’ll see a notification your device with some text asking “Allow USB Debugging”, click on “OK”.

The Minimal ADB command window will return your device code which means everything is set to go!

Note :

  1. Minimal ADB only works with Windows OS both 64-bit & 32-bit.
  2. Make sure to use the most latest version of tool to flash files in latest Android version devices as well as with old devices.
  3. Install for Android device by connecting your device in USB Debugging mode.

Learning ADB commands will help you come out of non-working devices or tweak your device. Most of all, it will help you increase your knowledge regarding Android system & its files.

Install Minimal ADB and Fastboot drivers on Windows 10, 7, 8, 8.1, XP and Vista OS. Download and setup Android USB drivers, fastboot drivers, Universal ADB Interface drivers and OEM Android Studio SDK for Windows. Fix ADB not recognized, device not found error using this easy steps guide. Minimal ADB and fastboot works on both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows OS.

If you ever come across modifying or customizing anything in Android, then you might have heard about ADB and fastboot. ADB is a tool which helps you in rooting, unrooting, accessing recovery or bootloader mode on your phone. On the other hand, fastboot helps you in modifying your phone’s firmware, unlocking bootloader or flashing custom recovery. You cannot install complete ROMs with it, but it’s helpful for many things that ADB can’t do.

Installing and setting up ADB or Fastboot tools require you to download Android Studio SDK. This is a whole package that you need to set up on your PC. It is extremely large with 1 GB of size. Fortunately, Google made it easy to get ADB and fastboot without all the junk. Just to use the usual platform tools, you don’t need the whole 1 GB of package. This is where this small tool: Minimal ADB and Fastboot comes into picture.

This tool let’s you easily install ADB and Fastboot on your computer. All the credit goes to shimp208, a recognized developer from the XDA community. This tool is updated on a regular basis and is extremely light weight. It allows you to send both Linux shell commands and developer commands on to your Android device.


  • Updated ADB and Fastboot to version
  • Automated build tools initial version uploaded to github
  • Uploaded Zip file containing portable version
  • Prepared for eventual open sourcing of Minimal ADB and Fastboot


  • Connect your Android device to computer using standard USB cable.
  • Enable USB debugging mode on your phone. For that, go to Menu » Settings » System » Advanced » Developer options » USB debugging. If you can’t see Developer option then go to Settings » System » About Phone and tap the Build number 7 times. This will make the Developers option appear in the Settings menu.
  • Install necessary on your computer.

Steps to install Minimal ADB and Fastboot:


  • Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool v1.4.3. (Latest )


Step 1: Download and Extract Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool zip file on your computer.

Step 2: Right click and Run it as Administrator.

As you launch it, the Minimal ADB and Fastboot Setup wizard will popup.

Note: It is recommended to close all other applications before continuing.

Step 3: Click Next to continue.

Step 4: Disclaimer mentioning that only you’ll be responsible for any modifications or damage will appear. Read it out and click Next.

Step 5: Browse and select a destination folder for installing the ADB drivers. Then click on Next option.

Note: Only 3.4 MB of free disk space is required.

Step 6: Select a destination folder to place the program shortcuts. Then click on Next option.

Step 7: If you want, you can create a desktop icon to easily access the ADB drivers. Or skip it and click on Next.

Step 8: At the last step, you can click on the Install option to actually start the installation process. Or you can go back to review or change the settings.

As soon as you click on Install, the Minimal ADB and Fastboot installation process will start.

Within few seconds, the Minimal ADB and Fastboot drivers will be successfully installed on your computer.

Step 9: Click on finish to launch the Minimal ADB and Fastboot window as given below.

When you click finish, the command window (cmd) will open.

Step 10: Now to verify that Minimal ADB and Fastboot drivers are installed or not, type the following command and press enter key:

As soon as you press enter key, you’ll see a message saying ‘List of devices attached’ along with some random numbers. This will confirm the successful connection of your Android device with computer using ADB drivers.

That’s all! You’ve successfully installed ADB and fastboot drivers using Minimal ADB and fastboot tool on your computer. It’ll be installed in C:/Program files/Minimal ADB and Fastboot.

For any problems related to this tutorial, kindly comment below.

Hello, friends welcome again to our website in order to get the minimal ADB and Fastboot ZIP files. We are onwards to looking for to provide you are great portable ADB Fastboot tool. If you are looking for how to use the minimal ADB and fast boot, then you are just land in the right place. So this page is all bout with minimal ADB and Fastboot download and its uses within a simple command prompt.

So here, in the next few lines, I would like to narrate how to use minimal ADB and a Fastboot tool to install a custom recovery for this reason.

How to use Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool:

  1. First of all, you have to download both of them. A minimal ADB and fast boot zip and portable USB drivers.
  2. Now turn off your device and a connection between your phone and the PC.
  3. For this connectivity use the USB data cable.
  4. Now go to start and click RUN.
  5. Type Me.bat and enter and the screen will appear.
  6. In the blank section type ADB reboot bootloader for device boot.
  7. This will almost require a flash recovery file for that concern device.
  8. After that, you have to type Bastboot flash recovery custom-recovery-file-name.image in the command prompt section.
  9. Remember to replace with your file name at above words red in color. SO once you will replace you the above red color with your recovery file name. You are done here and ready to reboot the device.
  10. To reboot your device type Fastboot reboot and this will be your last command.
  11. That’s all we know about to install a custom recovery on any device.

Grab the latest version of Minimal ADB and Fastboot download for MAC & Windows from below links. by clicking on the download link just right here below, you are on the go to begin to download the Fastboot zip file.

It is light in weight and quick to install with a new simple installer. Compatible with free supportability on all kind of windows operating systems. This list is including as Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 on the go. Either a 32 bit or 64-bit setup or an individual x64 based version may be available.